How to teach a dog to play dead in 8 easy steps!


"Play dead" is a traditional dog trick in which the dog owner signals and the dog flops onto their side, exposing their belly. While acting dead is not a required dog training command, such as "sit" or "heel," it is a playful trick that may be pleasurable and gratifying for both dogs and their trainers. However, sometimes dog play dead for their own reasons behind. This article is focused on teaching your dog to play dead, as a fun trick. 

Learn how to teach a dog to play dead, below in the following step by step method:

How to Teach Your Dog to Play Dead
 Source - Pexels

How to Teach Your Dog to Play Dead

This trick is based on fundamental instructions like "lie down" and "stay," so make sure your dog understands those before training them to play dead. A well-trained dog can do a lot of tasks for you and can help you in a lot of situations. But who doesn't want to play with their dogs too...Right? So, the question that comes here is- how to teach your dog to play dead?! 

Here's a step-by-step guide to adding "play dead" to your dog's arsenal of new tricks:

1. Take note of which side your dog prefers to sleep on. 

Many dogs like to lie down and roll over on one side of their body. If your dog appears to enjoy one side over the other, keep a note of it, to teach your dog to play dead on that side, as it will be simpler for them to adopt the habit.

2. Select the appropriate setting. 

You should teach your dog in a comfortable, distraction-free environment where you have complete control. Avoid teaching instructions at any nearby park, where the other dogs may easily distract them.

3. Start by giving the signal "down."

Command your dog to the down position using the verbal command and hand signal that they are already familiar with.

4. Bring your dog over to your side.

Place a dog treat between your first two fingers, just a few inches over your dog's nose. Bring the treat over to their side, encouraging them to roll over to continue looking at the goodie. Be careful to only give them the treat when they're in the proper posture.

5. Reward your dog. 

When your dog is lying on the right side, reward them with a treat and verbal applause.

6. Repeat. 

Repeat the movements again (at least 4-5 times), praising your dog for lying on its side each time.

7. Add your verbal command and visual cue. 

Once your dog realizes that lying on their side is a reward, add your vocal cue word and hand signal (the most popular command is "bang," accompanied by a gun-like hand symbol).

8. Repeat with verbal cue and hand signal. 

Repeat the steps for 15 minutes, being sure to constantly reset your dog so they are under control and focused before starting the command. Give your dog rest after 15 minutes—their limited attention spans necessitate shorter training sessions. To make the lessons interesting and lively for both you and your dog, end each session on a positive note with your dog successfully practicing the skill.

Rewarding technique is the best way to teach dog to play dead, and if you want to build a good bond relationship with your dog, we highly recommend you try this. 

If your dog is showing signs of aggression or is not in control, then do check this article below:


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 How to Teach Your Dog to Play Dead

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