Best Low-maintenance Dogs for Seniors


If you're a senior or aged above 40 years, you might be looking for dogs that are of low-maintenance and easy to care them. Training a dog isn't an easy job, you need to understand your dog's behavior and the lifestyle your dog prefers to live in. Some dogs want to live a lazy lifestyle like .................... while some like ........ are always ready to run a marathon with their owners. 

So, basically, their lifestyle makes them low-maintenance dogs

Best Low-maintenance Dogs for Seniors

First time owners often need to understand the term "Low-maintenance"  before getting into any decision. So, let's get into this:

What is a low maintenance dog breeds for seniors

  • Low Shedding or Grooming Needs
  • Minimal Exercise Needs
  • Easy to train
  • Low Temperament

List of low maintenance small dogs for seniors

  1. French Bulldog 
  2. Havanese
  3. Dachshund
  4. Shih Tzu  
  5. Maltese 

French Bulldog

The cheerful French Bulldog, commonly known as the "Frenchie," is easy to care for, making them an excellent fur buddy for an elderly person. This charming, one-of-a-kind breed is difficult to resist!

Best Low-maintenance Dogs for Seniors
Frenchie (Source- Pexels)

Temperament:  The witty French Bulldog loves on both giving and receiving affection! This very charming breed gets along with both other dogs and humans. It is bright, curious, and energetic. Frenchies, like Bulldogs, tend to snore and snort.

Exercise: Frenchies have short muscles, in their body, so you don't think of getting them into any excessive outdoor activities. They like to walk around you and spend time with you, to make you feel special!

Grooming: The French Bulldog's short, shiny coat is easy to brush and does not shed much. The wrinkles on this breed's face should be cleaned on a regular basis.


Havanese dogs are small and hairy. They are ideal for low maintenance dogs for retired seniors who can spend considerable time with them. They are incredibly smart and easy to train. They can even be prepared to be therapy dogs. 

Best Low-maintenance Dogs for Seniors
Havanese (Source- Pexels)

Temperament:  They are cheerful dogs that like being the focus of attention. It is unusual for a Havanese to be very energetic and active. Most of the time, they would rather curl up on the couch with their owners than exercise.

Exercise: They are, however, best suited for individuals who have the time to devote to their dog. We don't mean you'll have to put in extra effort to care for them. They simply need human interaction. They don't require much physical exercise.

Grooming: Shedding is not an issue with the Havanese. In fact, the Havanese is a hypoallergenic dog with minimal shedding. Plus, they’re smart enough to take on obedience training with full enthusiasm. Just make sure positive reinforcement is used.



The Dachshund was developed as an active hunting dog. However, in recent years, they've gained popularity as a beloved companion. So, while they retain their former energy and vitality, Doxies are also low-maintenance lap dogs.

Best Low-maintenance Dogs for Seniors
Dachshund (Source- Pexels)

Temperament: It's worth noting that these little pups can be difficult. As a result, they do poorly in terms of both compliance and working intellect. Nonetheless, Dachshunds are wonderful dogs with a loyalty found in only a few breeds. As a result, obedience training will differ.
Grooming: Smooth-coated doxies only need a simple brushing once a week, but wire-haired and long-haired minis require brushing several times a week to keep their coats from matting. They're low-shedders, meaning you aren't likely to find your couch, floor and bed covered in hair.

Exercise: Dachshunds require approximately 30 minutes of exercise per day. A Dachshund, however, cannot exercise excessively due to its distinctive tiny legs and elongated bodies. Otherwise, it may result in potential spinal injuries, which can become serious as adults age.

Shih Tzu

The graceful Shih Tzu enjoys being pampered with love and attention. This active breed is particularly amazing with kids, making them an ideal companion when the grandchildren come to visit!

Best Low-maintenance Dogs for Seniors
Shih Tzu (Source-Pexels)

Temperament: The Shih Tzu is a loving dog who enjoys spending time with its owner, whether it's cuddling or accompanying them about the house. Furthermore, this breed is kind and open to other people and pets. While most Shih Tzus are extremely quiet, some do snore.

Grooming: Shih Tzus shed very little, but frequent brushing and an occasional professional trim keep them looking cute and perky.

Exercise: The Shih Tzu is up for a daily walk if its pet parent is, and this lapdog is content to spend the rest of the day relaxing.


Originally bred for rat-hunting, the Maltese is primarily a companion dog today. They’ve done a good job adjusting to a more mellow and relaxing lifestyle, and it’s easy to see how. This dog is the happiest when lounging with its owners.

Best Low-maintenance Dogs for Seniors
Maltese (Source- Pexels)

Temperament: You’ll never have a hard time keeping a Maltese Terrier. Due to their responsive temperaments, these low-maintenance, laid-back dogs are ideal for practically all first-time owners. Plus, while they're sitting in your lap, they're all quite peaceful and docile.

Grooming: Maltese do require routine maintenance. A full brush out 2 to 3 times a week is best with baths every 1 to 2 weeks. The Maltese, like many other tiny dog breeds, are low-shedding.

Exercise: The Maltese does not require much exercise. A 20-minute stroll in the neighborhood is all that is required. 


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