Top 250 Popular German Shepherd Male Dog Names For 2022


Are you considering buying a German Shepherd puppy? German Shepherds can live for up to 13 years or more, so choosing the perfect name for your new family member is critical. You'll find a list of the top 250 male dog names, as well as an additional 200+ options based on your country or language. So start digging and figure out what you should call your new best friend for your time together.

Your German Shepherd's name should be simple and easy so that they can remember it. You should also avoid using a name that is so famous that it may cause confusion at the dog park.

Here are the Top 250 German Shepherd Male Dog Names, you can choose from :

german shepherd male dog names
Andrew from Unsplash

Top 250 Popular German Shepherd Dog Names

  1. Ace
  2. Adonis
  3. Alfie
  4. Alfred
  5. Ali
  6. Alpha
  7. Archie
  8. Argos
  9. Arlo
  10. Avery
  11. Axel
  12. Axl Rose
  13. Bailey
  14. Baloo
  15. Bandit
  16. Banjo
  17. Barkley
  18. Barney
  19. Barry
  20. Beans
  21. Bear
  22. Ben
  23. Bert
  24. Biggie Smalls
  25. Bilbo
  26. Bimmer
  27. Bingo
  28. Bingo
  29. Blue
  30. Bob
  31. Bobby
  32. Bond
  33. Bones
  34. Boo
  35. Boomer
  36. Boss
  37. Bravo
  38. Brian
  39. Brisket
  40. Brownie
  41. Bruiser
  42. Bruno
  43. Bubba
  44. Bucky
  45. Bucky
  46. Buddy
  47. Bumper
  48. Burger
  49. Buster
  50. Butters
  51. Buzz
  52. Caesar
  53. Carlton
  54. Casanova
  55. Chalupa
  56. Chance
  57. Charles
  58. Charlie
  59. Chase
  60. Chewie
  61. Chomp
  62. Chompers
  63. Chuck
  64. Cletus
  65. Coco
  66. Cody
  67. Comet
  68. Cookie Monster
  69. Cooper
  70. Cujo
  71. Dallas
  72. Danger
  73. Delta
  74. Denim
  75. Deuce
  76. Deuce
  77. Diesel
  78. Dirk
  79. Dobby
  80. Donner
  81. Draco
  82. Dredd
  83. Dribble
  84. Drogo
  85. Dude
  86. Duke
  87. Dumbo
  88. Elmer
  89. Elmo
  90. Ernest
  91. Ernie
  92. Fabio
  93. Fergus
  94. Finn
  95. Foxtrot
  96. Frodo
  97. Fudge
  98. Gino
  99. Goliath
  100. Gollum
  101. Grizzle
  102. Grizzly
  103. Guinness
  104. Gunner
  105. Gus
  106. Hades
  107. Hank
  108. Harley
  109. Harper
  110. Harry
  111. Hawkeye
  112. Henry
  113. Hercules
  114. Hershey
  115. Hex
  116. Hipster
  117. Homer
  118. Hopper
  119. Hulk
  120. Hunter
  121. Jabba
  122. Jack
  123. Jag
  124. Jake
  125. Jasper
  126. Java
  127. Jax
  128. Jazz
  129. Jerry
  130. Joey
  131. Jones
  132. Kane
  133. Khan
  134. Kylo
  135. Leo
  136. Levi
  137. Loki
  138. Lucky
  139. Luigi
  140. Mario
  141. Marley
  142. Marvel
  143. Matrix
  144. Max
  145. Maximus
  146. Maximus
  147. Merlin
  148. Miller
  149. Milo
  150. Moose
  151. Mufasa
  152. Murphy
  153. Nacho
  154. Neo
  155. Nestle
  156. Noodles
  157. Norman
  158. Oakely
  159. Obama
  160. Obi
  161. Oliver
  162. Olly
  163. Omega
  164. Osccar
  165. Ottis
  166. Ozzy
  167. Panzer
  168. Pepper
  169. Peyton
  170. Pirate
  171. Pluto
  172. Pongo
  173. Porkchop
  174. Prince
  175. Puma
  176. Pumba
  177. Rambo
  178. Rebel
  179. Remington
  180. Rhyhorn
  181. Riley
  182. RingoFalcon
  183. Riot
  184. Rocco
  185. Rocco
  186. Rocky
  187. Rogue
  188. Romeo
  189. Ronnie
  190. Roosevelt
  191. Rudy
  192. Rufus
  193. Rusty
  194. Sam
  195. Sammy
  196. Scooby
  197. Scooter
  198. Scooter
  199. Scout
  200. Sergeant
  201. Shadow
  202. Shane
  203. Simba
  204. Slash
  205. Slater
  206. Slowpoke
  207. Smith
  208. Smores
  209. Snickers
  210. Snorlax
  211. Solo
  212. Spark
  213. Spencer
  214. Stark
  215. Swag
  216. Taco
  217. Tango
  218. Tank
  219. T-Bone
  220. Teddy
  221. Thor
  222. Thursday
  223. Tidus
  224. Tiger
  225. Titan
  226. Toad
  227. Toby
  228. Token
  229. Tolkien
  230. Top Gun
  231. Tucker
  232. Twitch
  233. Vader
  234. Vertigo
  235. Waffles
  236. Wagner
  237. Waldo
  238. Widget
  239. Willie
  240. Wilson
  241. Winnie
  242. Winston
  243. Woofer
  244. Woofgang
  245. Wurst
  246. Wylie
  247. Zane
  248. Zeke
  249. Zeus
  250. Zip

Great Names for German Shepherd Male Dogs in Other Languages

Yuriy from Unsplash

Why limit your options to only English names? Here are some lovely names for German Shepherd Dogs from around the world:


  • Ada
  • Dolphus
  • Adolph
  • Fonsie
  • Wolfgang
  • Fremont
  • Aldo
  • Gregor
  • Wanda
  • Hubbard
  • Alger
  • Kort
  • Erma
  • Ulf
  • Ethel
  • Anka
  • Felisberta
  • Trudy
  • Githa
  • August
  • Schatzi
  • Stein
  • Holle
  • Ava
  • Ida
  • Siegfried
  • Joli
  • Baldwin
  • Mady
  • Schwartz
  • Minne
  • Bach
  • Rolf
  • Baron
  • Otto
  • Beatrix
  • Mischa
  • Marta
  • Bruno
  • Liesl
  • Klaus
  • Leonard
  • Dirk
  • Kaiser
  • Hilda
  • Felix
  • Helga
  • Franz
  • Heinz
  • Fritz
  • Heidi

Native American

  • Ama
  • Winona
  • Dakota
  • Denali
  • Tiva
  • Geronimo
  • Tallulah
  • Tala
  • Honi
  • Kanti
  • Pavita
  • Kasa
  • Onida
  • Kaya
  • Nova
  • Kele
  • Nina
  • Kitchi
  • Lulu
  • Miki
  • Maka
  • Micco
  • Makwa


  • Adelina
  • Zaida
  • Alba
  • Vito
  • Alberto
  • Valentina
  • Alegria
  • Savannah
  • Alita
  • Santiago
  • Amigo
  • Rosa
  • Amor
  • Reina
  • Barto
  • Raton
  • Belleza
  • Poco
  • Benita/Benito
  • Carmita
  • Osa/Oso
  • Carmelo
  • Oro
  • Castro
  • Octavia
  • Charo
  • Navidad
  • Chiquita/Chiquito
  • Magellan
  • Concha
  • Lobo
  • Cortez
  • Leon
  • Diego
  • Isabel
  • Dominga/Domingo
  • Hugo
  • Gorda/Gordo
  • Fior
  • Fabio


  • Yogi
  • Tej
  • Shera
  • Tiger
  • Bandar
  • Raja
  • Bari
  • Nirav
  • Mani
  • Beta
  • Lamba
  • Shibu


  • Aki
  • Yoshi
  • Akio
  • Toshio
  • Taro
  • Arata
  • Takumi
  • Takashi
  • Haruko
  • Takahiro
  • Haruna
  • Tadashi
  • Haruto
  • Sora
  • Hiro
  • Sakura
  • Hitoshi
  • Ryo
  • Jiro
  • Rina
  • Kaito
  • Riku
  • Kiko
  • Kenji
  • Mieko

Choosing the Best German Shepherd Male Dog Name

Naming your German Shepherd is an important decision and is something that you shouldn’t rush. However, you don’t need to decide right away.

Amber from Unsplash

Take a few days to try out some of your favorite names on the list to see what you like and what your German Shepherd seems to respond to. Sooner or later, you’ll find the perfect name for the new addition to your family!

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