How to Train Your Dog to Sit | Step-by-Step Guide | Dog Training


Teaching your Dog to Sit is essential behavioral training for dogs and every dog owner should include this training in their dog's learning. Teaching your dog the sit command not only lays the groundwork for further dog training like teaching them to stay. It also controls your pup's instincts and keeps them safe. In this sense, it provides you with a little more freedom and flexibility in your daily lives.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to train your dog to sit.

Source - Unsplash

Make sure you start your training in a peaceful environment, to avoid any distractions for your pet.

You will need :

✓A quiet space

✓Training treats for dogs.

✓15 to 20 minutes per day



How to Teach a Dog to Sit

Teaching your dog to sit is simpler than you would think. All it takes is patience and discipline. 

These training sessions can be done once a day or numerous times throughout the day, depending on your dog or puppy's attention span and interest in training. 

Here are the steps recommended for teaching a dog to sit.

Step 1: Hold a treat in your hand.

Hold a treat in your hand and move it in front of your dog's or puppy's mouth and nose until they pay attention. Allow them to sniff and taste.

Step 2: Move the treat over the dog’s head and say the word “sit.”

Once your dog has your full attention, softly move the treat up and slightly behind their head. (Aim for around three inches above them.) This should cause your puppy to take a step back before finally sitting.

By raising the treat merely three inches, it remains accessible and desirable. And, because you're raising it, your dog will instinctively look up, putting their buttocks on the ground. If this doesn't work, try moving closer to your dog so you're above them and they have to gaze up even higher. This usually results in a sitting position.

Step 3: Once in a sit, praise your dog!

As soon as your dog's bottom contacts the floor, remark cheerfully, "Good sit!" and then reward them with a goodie to let them know they did the right thing. By saying "excellent sit," your dog will hear the word "sit" again and correlate it with the activity that just occurred.

Step 4: Repeat this process.

You should repeat this 10 to 15 times in a peaceful and comfortable environment where your dog can focus and learn. Count out your dog training treats ahead of time to keep track of how many repetitions you've completed.

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