Low Maintenance Dogs | Choose from the Best Dog Breeds for your Home


Who wouldn't want their own pet dog, right? However, having pets involves substantial responsibilities. Cleaning them on a regular basis, brushing your dog, providing them regular training activities, and so on.

For folks who have a hectic daily routine, it can become too much work at times. And you don't want to spend all of your free time cleaning up the dog's fur or grooming them on a daily basis.

Low Maintenance Dogs
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In this article, you'll learn what exactly characterizes a 'Low Maintenance' dog, as well as several top easy-to-care-for dog breeds that may suit first-time owners as well as people who work full-time.

What’s considered a low maintenance dog

Low Maintenance Dogs are dog breeds that do not require much effort from their owners in terms of grooming, cleaning, and training. However, there are a number of criteria that make a dog really easy to care for.

Let's look at several important factors that contribute to the 'Low Maintainability Factor':

1) Low Shedding

Dogs with little to no hair fall save their owners a lot of time. Low shedders are preferable to people with allergies.

2) Easy Trainability

Dogs that are easy to train, can make your life a lot easier. And anybody would want to have such dog in their family.

3) Fewer Exercise Requirements

Dog breeds that require little exercise are good for senior citizens. These dogs are happy lying around any corner of your house.

4) Great with Kids

Dog breeds that get along well with kids fit well with first-time owners and can be a big factor when it comes to low maintainability.

5) Can Easily be Left-Alone at Home

Dogs that can be left alone for a long period of time, are suitable for full-time working people. They are often known as 'Home Alone' dogs since they enjoy being alone.


Best Low Maintenance Dog Breeds

Certain breeds of the dog kingdom are considered to be great apartment dogs and also a superb companion for people getting a dog for the very first time due to their 'low maintainability.'


List of Low Maintenance Small Dogs

Boston Terrier

Boston Terrier - Best Low maintenance dog

Who needs TV when you have a nice, charming Boston?

Boston terriers are tiny, strong, and people-oriented dogs. There is no doubt as to why they are regarded as the best low-maintenance dog in this category.

They are incredibly lightweight, and their smooth coat sheds relatively slightly. Baths on a regular basis will maintain your Boston in good shape.

When allowing them to go outside for exercise, be cautious! Bostons enjoy playing and will usually require a ball or toy - they will not simply run around on their own.

Despite the fact that they require a playmate, these dogs are ideal for city living. They enjoy visiting street cafes and are unusually peaceful given the amount of activity going on around them.


Miniature Pinscher

Miniature Pinscher

This playful canine weighs less than 10 pounds (4 kilos) and is incredibly easy to care for. Their short coats require little grooming, and the breed is normally in good health.

The miniature pinscher is a ferocious bundle of energy outside. You'll see your dog sprinting back and forth chasing toys and playing with other animals throughout your daily walks. However, when you return home, there will be plenty of time for the two of you to relax.

Brussels Griffon

Brussels Griffon

Named after a city like the Boston Terrier, this dog is quite well for apartments. This little and lovely breed is a good friend despite being a bit goofy.

The Brussels Griffon, is another small breed that just needs basic maintenance, and is usually quite healthy and well-mannered. Just keep in mind to brush their rough coats once a week.

Brussels Griffons can be pretty active and require a lot of exercises, therefore they may not be low maintenance enough for owners who do not exercise regularly. Basic training is also highly recommended in order to reduce their feistiness and provide them with some structure.




Many people find Chihuahuas to be hyperactive small pets. In addition to having bursts of energy, they are typically calm and quiet small lap dogs.

This little breed doesn't require much exercise, and most apartments have enough space for them to gallop.

Chihuahuas require relatively little maintenance, and even the long-haired kind will only require you to brush for curls on occasion.

These little boys usually have a healthy body. Just don't get into the habit of over-parenting them. Chihuahuas can develop worries and insecurities as a result of being carried everywhere, so allow them to gain confidence and seek the assistance of a reputable dog trainer if your Chihuahua begins to act out.



Dachshunds are a curious dog breed that is well-known for their elation. They're simple to care for a variety of reasons.

For starters, they're light eaters who won't bother you too much with their appetite.

Second, because of their small size, they are proud of the exercise they get inside the house.

Third, Dachshunds are one of the easiest breeds to house-train.

Dachshunds are an amusing breed, and their amusing and hilarious characters keep their owners in giggles. 


List of Low Maintenance Big Dogs

Labrador retriever 

List of Low Maintenance Big Dogs

Labrador Retrievers are a worldwide favorite because they are cute, kind, intelligent, and energetic.

They are also one of the easiest breeds to train because to their quick learning abilities. Because of their short coat, Labradors do not require much care.

Weekly brushing with a fine brush is all that is required to keep their skin and coat healthy.

They are a relatively healthy breed, so you are less concerned about the veterinary appointment.

People looking for low-maintenance large dogs should consider a Labrador Retriever.


List of Low Maintenance Big Dogs

Boxers are a fun-loving dog breed with a strong fondness for children, making them excellent family pets.

They react well to obedience training and are well-known for their patience.

Brushing them once a week keeps shedding to a minimum. Playing games like Fetch is sufficient to burn off their excess calories.

Grey Hound

This may come as a surprise to some, as Grey Hounds are known as the fastest runners in the Dog Kingdom.

List of Low Maintenance Big Dogs

However, these breeds are couch potatoes that despise exercise. They're perfectly content to curl up on the sofa with their owners.

Because of their short coat, they shed very little, and an occasional brushing is all that is required to keep their skin healthy.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

List of Low Maintenance Big Dogs

Rhodesian Ridgeback is highly protective of its owner and serves as an outstanding watchdog. 

This is a healthy, self-sufficient breed that requires less grooming and veterinary care than most others.

Rhodesian Ridgebacks must be trained and socialized from a young age or they will become destructive and aloof.

Doberman Pinscher

List of Low Maintenance Big Dogs

Dobermans are very smart, easy to teach, and quick to respond, and they make fantastic pets.

However, only experienced dog owners should pick a Doberman Pinscher as they're also extremely strong, so socialization in puppyhood is crucial to ensure they're well-mannered.

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