Why do Dogs play dead? - Question Answered!


Dogs love to play tricks on their owners. One of the tricks they love to do is playing dead. This behavior is called “playing possum.” It can be anything from a momentary ruse where they pretend to be asleep to a protracted act where they might get up and walk around until the shock wears off before finally collapsing and going into more convincing death throes.

This trick is not just for your owner's amusement; it also has an essential function in dog society: self-preservation. When other dogs see a dog lying motionless or rolling onto its back with its tongue sticking out of its mouth, they would immediately think that this dog is dead and will leave them alone.

This article explores the reason why dogs play dead.

Why do Dogs play dead? - Question Answered!
Source- Pixnio

Why do dogs play dead?

Dogs play dead for a variety of reasons: to avoid danger, to hide from predators, as a distraction from potential threats, and in an attempt to trick other dogs into leaving them alone. 

My dog decided to play dead pending the impending attack

Most often, though, the body posture is seen with no breathing or heartbeat so that another dog will leave that person alone. The dog's ears are alert, with his body stiff and the dog standing still with his paws close together and hindquarters raised.

Dogs play dead to avoid danger. 

Dogs are not the only animal that plays dead to avoid danger. Some animals use this strategy to fool predators. It is an instinctual behavior that may have evolved because it benefits the animal somehow.

Dogs play dead is not understood, but there are a few theories about it. One view is that when a dog plays dead, they release chemicals from their anal glands, making them smell like rotting meat. It could deter predators from attacking them. Another theory is that when a dog rolls over on their back and shows its belly, they become less threat to the predator because they expose its most vulnerable part of the body instead of fighting back or running away.

Dogs play dead to trick other dogs.

Dogs are often thought of as man's best friend. They have been living with humans for many years and have become part of our everyday lives. Dogs often play dead to trick other dogs into getting food or avoid conflict. 

Dogs play dead to avoid getting blamed for the mess at home.

Dogs have an instinct to avoid blame, and sometimes they do it most hilariously. They pretend that they are dead, and their owners come home to find them lying on the floor.

This could be a smart tactic as it is hard to get angry at a dog lying lifelessly on the ground. Or it could be just a sign that your pet loves you so much that they don't want you to be upset with them.

What can you do when your dog plays dead on you?

When you see your dog doing this, the first thing to do is you should not get angry at them. They understand our feelings very well, and when they make some mess around home, they try to act usual or play dead when you see them. 

Stop punishing them or showing your anger - this will help you build a great bond with your dog and lead you to train them properly. 

I hope this article has solved this query from our audience. 

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