Can English Cocker Spaniels be left alone?


Cocker Spaniels are one of the world's most loved dog breeds. Probably because they are easy to train anything you like, and are good with kids. They are lovable dogs and like to stay with their owners throughout the day. 

It is not possible to spend every hour of your day with your pet, right? There can be different works throughout your day, where you'll have to leave your home. And that time, it causes lot of problem with your dog, expecially if it is English Cocker Spaniel

If you have an English Cocker Spaniel at home, then this article will be very helpful to you when you need to leave them home alone. We will be giving all details on how long they can be left alone, how you can help them overcoming their boredom or depression when left alone etc. 

Can English Cocker Spaniels be left alone?

This question is a bit difficult to answer, as not just cocker spaniels but every dog can be left home alone for some time. But we have to understand that dogs also have emotions and they also get bored of staying alone at home. 

Can English Cocker Spaniels be left alone?

Due to this reason, we need to ensure that when we are leaving outside, we have made proper arrangements for our dog. 

Some of the things your dog will need when left alone are :

- Basic needs like Water and Food should be there before them, so they can eat and drink whenever they need it

- A source of entertainment like keep your TV or Radio ON when you go outside leaving them alone. This helps them to keep their mind busy.

- For creating a more friendly environment around your dog, you can also play a recording of any dog on TV, which makes them feel safe at home.

- Dog Toys can also be placed before them, so they can play and avoid their separation anxiety when left home alone.

How Long Can Cocker Spaniels be Left Alone?

How Long Can Cocker Spaniels be Left Alone?

Please Note - Cocker Spaniels are not to be left alone for more than 4 hours continuously in a day. However, if you really have an important work outside and are unable to be there with your Cocker Spaniel, please make sure to do all the arrangement mentioned above before leaving them alone.

 A Doggy Day Care is important to take your spaniel to, if you have work for more than 4 hours. There are many areas which have these facilities and your spaniel will love the interaction and playtime with the other dogs.

Can Cocker spaniels be left alone all day while you're at work?

It is not recommended to leave your Cocker Spaniel alone for 4 hours or more. They are active dogs and don’t like to be left alone for too long.

That's why it becomes extremely necessary to consider your living situation before getting a dog and determining whether or not you can accommodate his needs, particularly around your work life.

If you do find that you need to leave your spaniel for long periods then you will need to make sure that before you leave for work he has had a really good exercise to get them tired.

A Full 1-hour packed running can be good to get them tired, and then sleep all day long.

Similary, when you get back home, then also you have to take him out for a good, long walk, even if you're tired all day at your work. Remember he has been resting through the day and he will need to burn off energy.

Cocker spaniels when left alone Overnight

Cocker Spaniels cannot be left alone overnight. This can induce aggressive behaviour towards you Your spaniel will need company during the night.

It’s not fair to keep them in their own quarters where they cannot see or hear the rest of their family whilst you are all in bed together. Leaving them completely disconneced from your family, is just not acceptable.

If your spaniel likes sleeping in a crate, then this should be fine as the crate can be placed at the foot of your bed so he can feel like he is also a part of the family.

Is is Okay to Leave Cocker Spaniel Alone at Car?

NEVER leave your cocker spaniel or any dog alone in a car. This is completely careless to let them alone at your car. Cocker Spaniels can be overheated in the car, even if your car windows are open, then also, it can be dangerous for them.

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